Kohinoor: Youtube uploader to be punished

Kohinoor: Youtube uploader to be punished

द सिनेमा टाइम्स

The Cinema Times

Late actor Shree Krishna Shrestha‘s last cinema ‘Kohinoor‘ was pirated and uploaded on social net working site YouTube. ‘The person to upload the film will be punished’, said director Aakash Adhikari at a press meet organized today at Indreni Food Land.

If the movie was uploaded from foreign country, the movie production team will ask the respective embassy to arrest the uploader. He also mentioned that the video was uploaded by creating a fake account. At the press meet, producer Chandra Prasad Shrestha also stated to start the process of arresting the video uploader.

The film was deleted due to a copyright claim from the film production company. ‘Kohinoor’ is preparing for its international release at HongKong, Qatar, Korea, Israel, Finland, Denmark, America, Malaysia and Australia.

kohinoor nepali cinema on Youtube