Sunny Pradhan @sunnymovies
Previously, cinema ‘Ichchha’ was scheduled to release from 16th of January which was later postponed to 20th of February 2015. According to director Munal Ghimire, the postponed date has been even more beneficial for the movie because the release date is now free from all kinds of strikes and political disturbances. The cinema was previously postponed due to the strikes going for constitution.
Munal says, ‘The current release date is more beneficial. The strikes in Nepal had been a big problem for the movie release followed by cold winter season due to which morning and night shows had very less audiences. Now, there is no strike and winter season is also almost over.’
The cinema had been postponed at the last moment of its publicity. Now, ‘Ichchha’ also got more time for its publicity. The cinema features Dayahang Rai, Dipshikha Shahi, Subash Thapa, Om Pratik, Shyam Rai, Rashmi Bhatt and other artists.