‘Mokshya‘ director Prabin Shrestha is all set for directing his second feature film titled ‘New Year‘. The cinema which will be produced under the banner of ‘Grishma Entertainment‘ had organized a press meet on Sunday where the cinema’s first look was also revealed.
‘Grishma Entertainment’ is not a new name for media industry. The company has already organized many high level national and international events. Therefore, this cinema will be produced by Grihendra Ghimire, Pratap Kharel and Karna Rajbanshi.
Director Prabin Shrestha who gained more popularity from the cinema ‘Mokshya’ made sure to give his full effort in the making of the love story cinema ‘New Year’. The cinema is about the fluctuations in New Year brought by love. Benisha Hamal will be sharing screens with Anoop Bikram Shahi. The cinema will be shot at Australia and Nepal from new year.