Cinema ‘Nai Navannu La 3‘ has released their new song on You Tube. The song titled ‘Kammar Mathi Patuki‘ has been sang by Melina Rai whereas Prahlad Timalsina has supported her in the song. Basanta Sapkota composed and written song has been choreographed by Kahiraj Gahatraj.
Listening to the song and watching the video, most of them will feel singer Melina Rai‘s voice has completely matched the video which features Priyanka Karki and Aaryan Sigdel. Her mesmerizing voice gives peace to the ears of anyone who listens her song.
Muskan Dhakal directed cinema features Anuvab Regmi, Suraj Singh Thakuri, Sanchita and other artists along with Priyanka and Aaryan. The previous two sequels were directed by Bikash Acharya. The sequel is all set to hit screens from 10th of April 2015.
Watch the video: