Jung Bahadur Ko Coat: official poster release (with video)

Jung Bahadur Ko Coat: official poster release (with video)

द सिनेमा टाइम्स

The Cinema Times,

Jung Bahadur Ko Coat official poster- thecinematimes.com

Nepali cinema ‘Jung Bahadur Ko Coat‘ has released their official poster. Ashish Bhetwal directed cinema features Bimlesh Adhikari, Anup Baral, Rashmi Bhatt, Bishwo Basnet, Suchitra Acharya and  Mohan Niraula.

The movie presented by Khadka & Sons Cine Industry was shot in Nepal and Australia. Even though after releasing the official trailer and poster, the cinema has yet not decided their release date in Nepal.

Watch the trailer:
