Sano Sansar actress Namrata Shrestha turned 29 today on July 14th. The actress who is in the hearts of every cinema lovers had made her debut from the movie ‘Sano Sansar’ directed by Late Alok Nembang.
Shrestha who was born in Dharan had started her career struggling from Kathmandu. From her struggles through video jockey, modeling and music videos, she turned her career towards cinema industry where she became successful.
Namrata is not only a successful actress, but also a successful business women. She has made her investments in restaurant business too.
The actress also produced ‘Soul Sister’ through her entertainment company ‘Highly High’. Sano Sansar, Mero yeuta sathi cha, Miss you, Chadke, Maun, Megha, November Rain, Tandav, Sambodhan and Soul sister featured gorgeous actress is awaiting her next release ‘Homework’.
The Cinema Times would like to wish Namrata Shrestha a very Happy Birthday!!!