निफमा ३१ देशका ६३ वटा सिनेमा छनौट

निफमा ३१ देशका ६३ वटा सिनेमा छनौट

द सिनेमा टाइम्स

द सिनेमा टाइम्स, काठमाडौं – नेपाल चलचित्र तथा सांकृतिक प्रतिष्ठानले हरेक बर्ष आयोजना गर्दै आएको ‘अन्तरराष्ट्रिय चलचित्र महोत्सव (निफ) मा छनौट भएको सिनेमाको लिस्ट सार्वजनिक भएको छ । आउँदो बर्षको वैशाख २३ गतेबाट २७ गतेसम्म काठमाण्डौमा आयोजना हुने महोत्सवमा ५२ देशका ४ सय ५० बढी सिनेमा सहभागी भएको आयोजक संस्था नेपाल चलचित्र तथा सांस्कृतिक प्रतिष्ठानका अध्यक्ष केपी पाठकले बताए ।

उनले कोरोना महामारीको कारणले नेपाली फिचर सिनेमाको सेलेक्सनलाई बाँकी राख्दै ३१ देशका ६३ वटा सिनेमा प्रस्तिस्पर्धाको लागि छनौट भएको बताए । ‘नेपाली फिल्म प्रदर्शनमा आउन बाँकी रहेकोले केहि समय माग गर्नु भएको छ । जसलाई मध्यनजर गर्दै हाम्रो टिमले नेपाली सिनेमालाई थाती राखेर अन्य प्रतिस्पर्धी सार्वजनिक गरेका छौं’ पाठकले भने ।

निफको चौथो संस्करणलाई पछिल्ला अनुभवले अझै सभ्य र भव्य बनाउने उनको टिमको तयारी छ । ‘विश्वका कथाहरुको कथ्य उत्सव’ भन्ने नाराका साथ ‘फिल्म संस्कृति’ को विकास गर्ने उद्देश्य सहित सुरु भएको फेस्टिभलमा यो वर्ष महामारीको विषयमा बनेका फिल्मलाई अलग्गै क्याटगोरीमा प्रतिस्पर्धा गराइ अवार्ड पनि वितरण गरिने छ । कोभिड १९ ले पारेको प्रभावमा बनेका यस्ता सिनेमाले ५ सय अमेरिकी डलर तथा ट्रफी प्राप्त गर्नेछन् ।

अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय प्रतिष्पर्धाअन्तर्गत सर्वोत्कृष्ट फिचर सिनेमालाई १५ सय अमेरिकी डलर राशिसहित गौतमबुद्ध अवार्ड प्रदान गरिनेछ भने International Federation of film societies, IFFS Don Quijote Award  उत्कृष्ट फिचर सिनेमाको लागि प्रदान गरिने छ । यसैगरी, सर्वोत्कृष्ट बृत्तचित्रलाई १ हजार डलर राशिको माउन्ट एभरेष्ट अर्वाड, सर्वोत्कृष्ट एनिमेटेड चलचित्रलाई ७५० डलरको मञ्जुश्री अवार्ड, सर्वोत्कृष्ट लघु चलचित्रलाई ५ सय डलर राशिको बाग्मती अर्वाड प्रदान गरिनेछ । त्यसैगरी नेपाली प्रतिष्पर्धा अन्तर्गत उत्कृष्ट फिचर सिनेमालाई रु १ लाख , उत्कृष्ट सर्ट सिनेमालाई नगद रु ५० हजार प्रदान गरिने छ ।

NIFF 2021 Selection
WORLD PANORAMA | Feature films
Films under this selection are eligible for i) Gautama Buddha Award for the Best Feature Film, ii) IFFS Don Quixote Award by the International Federation of Film Societies

Film Title Duration Country

Directed by. Lauren Barker 1:26:46 United States

Directed by. Amudhavanan P 1:30:36 India

In My Dream
Directed by. Murat çeri 1:39:21 Turkey

Wu Hai
Directed by. Zhou Ziyang 1:48:00 China

Directed by. Rodrigo Areias 1:15:19 Portugal

Tell me who I am
Directed by. Sergio Basso 1:29:00 Nepal

Directed by. Bratya Basu 1:50:00 India

Directed by. Ricky Ko 1:47:00 Hong Kong / China

The Voyage
Directed by. Christy Shelton Fernando 1:40:00 Sri Lanka

NIFF 2021 Selection
DOCS @ NIFF | Documentary films
Films under this selection are eligible for i) Mt. Everest Award for the Best Documentary Film

Film Title Duration Country

Collecting Time
Directed by. Christos Sagias 00:30:00 Greece

Our Love
Directed by. Valeriya Golovina 00:15:55 New Zealand

The Khe Sanh Peace Garden
Directed by. Tinh Mahoney 00:25:28 Vietnam

My Journey to Everest
Directed by. Hernán Leal, Thomas Hardy 00:25:50 Chile

Over the Barriers
Directed by. Banu Ramazanova 00:60:00 Kazakhstan

Nepal’s Child Brides
Directed by. Shehzad Hameed Ahmad 0:48:02 Singapore

A World Without
Directed by. Xin Liu 00:15:10 Canada

Return to the Lost Eden
Directed by. Adriano Zecca 00:55:00 Switzerland

Hae Shin
Directed by. Matthew Root 00:40:49 South Korea

Seeking New Paths
Directed by. Päivi Kapiainen-Heiskanen 00:52:00 Finland

Sherpas Speak
Directed by. Richard Else 00:31:00 United Kingdom

NIFF 2021 Selection
Films under this selection are eligible for i) Pandemic Film Exhibit Award for the Best short or documentary film in the segment

Film Title Duration Country

Directed by. Andrea Dayan 00:20:00 Italy

Directed by. Paul London, Tracey Moberly 00:05:00 United States

Quarantine Time
Directed by. Fran Estévez 00:09:40 Spain

Directed by. Pi Chengdong 00:28:30 China

Monkey Enters Lanka
Directed by. Saie Surendra 00:34:24 United Kingdom

Civil Soldiers
Directed by. Ganesh pandey 00:25:00 Nepal

The Meat
Directed by. Tathagata Ghosh 00:19:02 India

Stage Zero
Directed by. Angel Hernández Suarez 00:01:34 Spain

NIFF 2021 Selection
Films under this selection are eligible for i) Manjushree Award for the Best film in the category

Film Title Duration Country

Renai Dance
Directed by. Zhike Yang, Wenjie Wu, Han Chen Chang 00:03:47 United States

Directed by. Akash Singh 00:11:55 Finland

Corona Man
Directed by. Fran Estévez 00:02:21 India

The Winter
Directed by. Xin Li 00:05:00 Australia

Directed by. Vincenzo Lamagna 00:02:54 Italy

NIFF 2021 Selection
Films under this selection are eligible for i) Bagmati Award for the Best film in the category

Film Title Duration Country

Round Three
Directed by. Shahar Shamay 00:19:54 Israel

The Menu for Tomorrow
Directed by. Woody – Kazuhiro Kiuchi 00:19:57 Japan

Directed by. Akshay Gouri 00:29:53 India

God’s Daughter Dances
Directed by. Sungbin Byun 00:24:53 South Korea, Republic

Directed by. Cavan Campbell 00:15:00 Canada

Maradona’s Legs
Directed by. Firas Khoury 00:20:00 Germany

The Silence of the River
Directed by. Francesca Canepa 00:14:00 Peru

Directed by. JING ZOU 00:21:44 China

Uncle Goose Waits For A Phone Call
Directed by. Kew Lin 00:15:00 Singapore

In the Depth of Winter (Xitor Xojat)
Directed by. Arindam Barooah 00:04:43 India

The Flowers of Roadside
Directed by. Mahfuzz Nazim Mapple 00:18:23 Bangladesh

NIFF 2021 Selection
Films under this selection are eligible for i) Best Short Film Award for the Best film in the category

Film Title Duration Country

Home: An Ode to all Fathers
Directed by. Prakash Jha 00:09:39 Nepal

Directed by. Til Thapa Magar 00:05:18 Nepal

Sold in Iraq
Directed by. Deepak Subba 00:09:30 Nepal

Bare Trees in the Mist
Directed by. Rajan Kathet 00:14:59 Nepal

Directed by. Amrit Kauchha 00:11:13 Nepal

Directed by. Ganesh Rawal 00:22:00 Nepal

The War After War
Directed by. Rajesh Shrestha 00:08:37 Nepal

A Scarecrow
Directed by. Rajesh Prasad Khatri 00:13:34 Nepal

Directed by. Krisha Chaulagain 0:23:00 Nepal